Hey Intermediate Guitar Friend:
My members and I
cracked the code to making fast, lasting progress...

We Jam together, LIVE!
15 min a day, 5x a week.

Escape the drudgery of
learning alone - JAM WITH US!

Claim Your Free Trial Now 🎸

YouTube got you going in circles…?

I teach hundreds of guitar students each week, and these are the frustrations constantly driving them CRAZY:
"I've been playing the same riffs for years"

"It's too late for me, I wish I hadn't quit years ago"

"My life is too busy, I'm always interrupted"

"Too many choices, I never know what to practice"

"I know a few famous songs, but can't improvise"

"I can't find the notes on the fretboard"

"Do I need to learn music theory?"

"I've spent so long dabbling, how do I learn to PLAY FREELY?"
If this sounds like you, I want you to know 1) you're not alone. And, 2) you're always closer to a breakthrough than you might realize.
Nothing gets me more fired up than helping a guitarist like yourself hit a lightbulb moment - suddenly the fresh ideas start to flow, and you remember it's called PLAYING music for a reason.

So one day, at the end of an exhausting cardio class at a local gym (trying to fight off dad bod over here) - I noticed something oddly satisfying...

I felt a wave of gratitude towards my fitness instructor, who had put me through a killer exercise routine packed with fun challenges. It kept things interesting, FUN, and it kinda kicked my butt.

If I had been training by myself I never would have pushed past "my edge" the same way.

That's the moment I saw the spark for a BIG idea: A whole new approach to break guitarists out of the dreaded "intermediate plateau."

Over the past year I've tested this revolutionary method on my students and members. Across hundreds of sessions. We've refined the recipe down to a science. And the results have been jaw-dropping.

What I'm showing you today is designed to establish consistency + momentum in your guitar growth, nuke the excuses and procrastination loops, and remove all the overthinking and pointless guilt-trips we put ourselves through.

Lying on the floor after that gym class, a tired heap of sweat...the answer was suddenly crystal clear.

Meet your new secret weapon to break out of the same old patterns + make fast, lasting progress:
Guitar Workout
of the Day
We connect the dots, LITERALLY.

Exactly what I play lights up in realtime.

So if you find TAB drab...
It's like a gym class
for guitar players?
Weeknights: 7pm Central / 5pm Pacific
Except, it's the FUN kind - led by your favorite coach.
I design FRESH Livestream Workouts
[aka "GWODs"] EVERY week
Watch the REPLAYS on-demand, on your own schedule.
Imagine if you never had to wonder
"What Should I Practice?" AGAIN.
Try the workouts for
See if it's right for you!

Experience the "GWOD" difference.

Access Everything for
14 Days for FREE.

So...what's in a Guitar Workout?

My revolutionary daily guitar practice recipe maximizes focus AND fun.
Yes, this fits into a busy, grown-up life.
🎸 WARMUP [First 3 min]: Easy chords, finger exercises, fretboard quiz, aka something simple to "knock the rust off"

🎸 WORKOUT [Middle 6 min]: Quick lesson + guided games on this week's topic, building on previous concepts to boost progress!

🎸 PLAY: [Final 3 min]: Jam + improvisation over custom-made loops highlighting today's concepts, so you hear it in action!

You're not on camera (whew!), but members can interact - with me and each other - in the live comments section.

We take a few minutes at the beginning to say hi👋

And a few at the end to answer questions and extend the jam time together🎸

How to KNOW you’re on the right track...

Check in with Coach Tim!

Members-Only Zoom hangs
Live, small group lesson with Q+A

Guitar Players Like You Are Having Fun + Seeing Results FAST

Also included when
you sign up today...


Gauntlets are my new twist on self-paced guitar courses.

Structured in 3 increasing levels of difficulty, you’ll be in the “sweet spot” of staying challenged, without feeling overwhelmed.

Easy to learn. Packed with enjoyable parts - both to play AND listen to.


Conquer Triads + 6ths + the Mysterious Chunk o' Funk chord.  3 levels of progressively more challenging guitar concepts.


Motown + Old School Soul flavor, tasty rhythm playing, chord fills and go-to pentatonic licks.


Keep your internal clock tickin' as the drum beat drops out. We tackle B minor, double stops, 6ths and 3rds.

Meet Your Coach
Hi I’m Tim Fagan - hit songwriter and professional guitarist for the past 25 years. I love playing guitar and helping players like yourself unlock this amazing instrument. It's my passion to deliver a more focused + fun way to learn guitar, and I hope you jump on this chance to check it out.In its first year, GFT has grown to over 20k subscribers and 200 active community members - and we're just getting started.

if you keep trying to teach yourself everything on YouTube, you risk:
1) running out of steam
2) getting bored
3) and quitting …again.🕸️

Instead, join the amazing, ever-expanding, collaborative, supportive:

Guitar•Friend•Tim Community

GFT Community “Dare to Share” challenges encourage you to post a quick video of whatever you’re working on (100% optional of course).


If you've been struggling...
It's time to turn your
guitar dreams around.

play freely across the fretboard

Express yourself on this amazing instrument, and be able pour your emotions into the music you make. Learn to improvise - we don’t need more AI music - we need someone who sounds uniquely like YOU!

get hooked on playing guitar again.

Come back to it for good this time. Re-ignite the spark and just have fun playing a little bit more every day. Addicted to buying gear, and watching too many YouTube clips? Consider this your "intervention."

make lasting progress you can see and hear

Capture recordings of your playing, videos on your phone, play gigs, jam with friends and share songs that celebrate your journey on this lifelong path to mastering guitar. There's nothing more satisfying!

go on a winning streak

You know the epic training sequence in Rocky? Imagine the feeling of stacking days and weeks together that will build new habits and transform your sense of what’s possible. You might just amaze yourself.

sharpen your mind

Strengthen the "guitar playing" area of your brain with every small-yet-meaningful win. As I provide clear goals and a plan of action, you'll gradually unlock the life-changing power of "deep work."

finally answer "what if I gave it my ALL?"

Maybe it’s time to make a real go of mastering guitar. If you're ready to stop tip-toeing around it, I can give you the structure you need to sink your teeth into some fun, (kinda) hard work. And it will pay off MASSIVELY.

build a skill you'll keep forever

Take your abilitiy to play guitar with you wherever you go. It's more valueable than shiny gadgets and gear - it’s a superpower to move people’s emotions (starting with your own.)

Try Everything. Risk Free.


I want to give you the opportunity to put GFT Community + Courses Membership to use and feel how satisfying it can be to learn guitar when you strike the right balance of focus and fun.

That’s why I’m giving you an entire month to go through the videos, mp3s and PDFs - enjoy them!If you don’t absolutely love the courses, simply email my team: support[at]guitarfriendtim.com within 30 days and I’ll refund your entire purchase, no questions asked.




🚀  11 Lifesaver Licks
step by step guide to my essential major + minor blues licks • 65 min, 2 videos + interactive TABS
($99 value)  

🚀  Triads Workout
quick blitz of games for nailing the G, C, D + F shapes • 25 min, 2 videos, mp3’s + PDFs
($99 value)

🚀  Key Change Chameleon
find any key the easy way + start soloing • 25 min, 5 videos, mp3’s + PDFs
($99 value)

🚀  22 Tasty Chords
expand your chord vocabulary with my favorite major, minor and seventh chords • 65 min, 1 video + PDF
($99 value)

Join Us • Start Your FREE Trial

Let's Jam Together
+ Get Way Better.


Check out the Guitar Friends'
Claim Your Free Trial Now 🎸


Can’t I just learn all this on YouTube?

YouTube is amazing for quick answers, there’s no doubt about it.  For virtually any question I can come up with, there’s hundreds of videos eagerly asking me to click for the quickest answer.  

But we all know these videos vary wildly in their quality (which drains your time and energy), and it’s all á la carte - scattered individual videos on separate topics (constantly leaving you with the chore of deciding where to click next).  You could be going in circles for years.

And it only takes hitting a few dull or confusing videos to zap your motivation all together. Before embarking on another Mr. Beast binge. Here’s something that’s worth paying for: guidance from a teacher you trust.  That to me, is going to save you tons of frustration and money, and keep you on a fast track to reaching your guitar playing goals.  

Investing in a GFT Community + Courses Membership will give you a cohesive roadmap for breakthrough growth on guitar, and a community of fellow students - both things you simply won’t find on YouTube.

Is this good for a beginner?

If you’re brand new to guitar, it might be too soon for this course.  But first, let’s define “beginner.”  Have you gotten past the phase of learning guitar when pressing the strings makes your fingers hurt?  Do you know a few barre chords, and the names of the notes on the low 5th and 6th strings (even if it takes you a couple guesses)? If you answered yes, you’ll be good to go.  Level 1 of each course is geared for a hungry beginner.  I say “hungry” because I expect you to be excited by the thought of having a clear path of practice sessions and mini lessons laid out in front of you.  

If that gets you pumped up and a little bit “nervous in a good way” then you’re in the right place.  The steady progress you’ll be making each day towards levels 2 and 3 will be that much rewarding for you, it’ll feel like your own “hero’s transformation montage” in a 90’s action movie.  

What if I'm an intermediate guitarist?

This entire system of courses was designed with you in mind!  If you’re ready to spark your playing back to life and escape the intermediate rut, I truly believe the GFT Community + Courses Membership will deliver.   Being an intermediate player, you know enough to be “dangerous”, as we might say.  Plenty of chords, songs, some favorite scales and riffs under your hands.  But where to go next?  In my opinion it’s time for you to find your own voice on the instrument.  

The idea of an intermediate plateau or rut is frankly an illusion - most players at your level are just suffering from indecision and boredom.  My goal is to show you new tricks and licks in a context that leaves room for your own personal expression.  You’re encouraged to put your “spin” on the concept, rather than just repeat whatever I play.  

Consider this your nudge to jump in the cold water and figure out not only what you like to play, but *why* you like it - enjoying your own playing is the secret to never feeling stuck again.  

I’ll help you tap into something uniquely your own.

I’m pretty advanced, will this just be a bunch of stuff I already know?

My favorite guitar players on the planet, the heroes whose names we all know, have the power to play simple or advanced ideas with the same sense of ease.  Mastery lives in the details.  

So yes, there may be information you’ve seen and heard before, but even my “Level 1” lessons are created with satisfying parts to play.  

In addition to plenty of cool and complex musical approaches for you to add to your “bag of tricks”, I’ll be issuing fun challenges to the community where you can share your abilities.  This is where advanced players shine in the community - leading by example and putting their hard work to use in the real world.

Lastly, I’ll be checking in regularly with members in the community area, finding out how and when we’re ready to “raise the stakes”.   So I’ll be keeping you on your toes.

What if i mostly play acoustic guitar?

I love both acoustic and electric guitar, so my lessons are created to sound great on either instrument.  Also, I don’t dive heavily into gear (effects pedals or amps) - so my rule of thumb is this - if it sounds good on a clean electric guitar, it’ll sound great on acoustic.  

Plus, I’m adding new videos all the time and I respond to members’ feedback on what topics and areas they’d like me to cover next.  Future lessons ideas include fingerstyle, bossa nova and flatpicking.  

How long do I have access to the course?

The moment you activate a GFT Community + Courses Membership, you have access to all course material and members’ area.  

As long as your membership is up to date, you’ll continue to enjoy the same full access to streaming course videos, and members community area.  

Any downloads (mp3s and PDFs) will be yours to keep forever.

What if I don’t like the course? Is there a guarantee?

Absolutely - You have 30 full days to try GFT Community + Courses Membership and explore the content. My 100% Money Back Guarantee states:

If you're not completely satisfied with GFT Community + Courses Membership, simply email me within 30 days and I’ll refund the entire purchase price, no questions asked.

Hold up - what's this John Mayer story?

John Mayer called my cell phone three times before i finally picked up…

I was on my lunch break, from my part time job, sitting in my silver 2002 Honda Civic, in the Panda Express parking lot - engine off. Working through some general tso’s chicken and stale rice. I was having a rough Tuesday.

It was beginning to feel like my dreams of becoming a professional musician in Los Angeles were drifting out of reach. In truth I had only moved to LA from Michigan a few months prior, but I was really struggling to find my way in this huge city.

Not many gigs or opportunities in sight.

And now here I was, seeing this 212 area code number light up my screen, for the third time that day. I thought man - this bill collector really is persistent, so let’s get it over with…“He-llooo” (heavy sarcasm)

“Is this Tim Fagan?”

“Uh - yeah - who’s this”

“This is John Mayer — “...John Mayer then starting singing a song in my ear… …the melody of which I recognized immediately - because I wrote it.

I quickly sat up, spitting rice on my shirt, and did what anyone would do - sang along with him.

See, a month earlier I had entered John’s songwriting contest, something he had casually announced in his column for Esquire magazine. It was a call to all songwriters - amateur and professionals alike, to compose and record original music, set to a batch of his unpublished lyrics.

From the 2,212 entrants, he selected my recording as the winner. And he was calling to tell me himself. And he wouldn’t settle for leaving a voicemail. He mentioned how much he’d enjoyed my guitar work and the touch of blues I used to underscore his lyrics, we talked shop a bit, and he told me about what he was currently working on in the studio.

Then he asked what paint finish I wanted on my new JM signature strat (the model wasn’t even in stores yet). I went with sunburst, and needless to say it’s a gorgeous guitar ....And he entitled the article “Tim Fagan is a Winner.”

That very moment jump-started my professional career. I put out my version of our song “Deeper” on my EP Out of the Dark, and at the CD release party was introduced to someone named Colbie Caillat. She and I became friends, and later I would tour the world as her guitarist and band leader.

In spare moments backstage I co-wrote “Lucky” with Colbie and Jason Mraz. The song went on to become an international hit, winning a Grammy for best Pop Duet.

And later that year, guess who called on Colbie and her band to be his opening act for the whole summer? John Mayer. Talk about coming full circle, huh?

Oh, one last thing…When I got off the phone with John that day, I sat there in my Honda Civic, stunned. Just buzzing in silence.

After a couple minutes staring out the window, I opened up my Panda Express fortune cookie.It said this - and I swear I’m not making this up, it still gives me chills to this day:

“Opportunity is knocking on your door - answer it.”

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©2024 Guitar Friend Tim